Please note that BREADTIMES is taking a well-deserved break at the moment! Please check back later!

Finest of natural ingredients without chemicals or preservatives


Flour, yeast, water, and salt - a traditional loaf of bread only needs four ingredients. And passion for the craft.


Today's industrial baked goods contain lots of artificial preservatives and chemical additives that can slow down or restrict food deterioration that is caused by microorganisms and oxidation reactions. Some of these chemicals, used as optional whiteners, dough conditioners, and rising agents, are harmful to human health and can cause digestive issues and allergies.

My mission is to produce healthy food without any preservatives and with natural ingredients only!


Bread with a crispy, rustic crust, a soft chewy interior filled with air pockets, and a taste you can't resist. 


Perfect pretzels with a crispy golden brown on the outside and fluffy-soft in the middle. Authentic German Rolls in different varieties.


Mouthwatering cakes and pastries made from scratch with only the best ingredients and lots of love. Baked after original German recipes.